River Tramps

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Revision as of 01:36, 9 August 2022 by KyleB (talk | contribs)
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River Tramps
Lineage Name(s):

Bargemen, River Tramps, Boat People, Scum


Along the Cold and Ghost Rivers

Law/Anarchy Axis:

Anarchy and Pragmatism

Altruism/Greed Axis:

Selfless to Neutral

First Impressions:

Charismatic, bawdy, commerce-oriented


Oligarchy (Captains of a Boat all vote in a consensus)

  • Individual Barges may be Democratic
Magic Capable?:

Yes but River Tramps rarely practice magic.

  • The rare Tramp that practices magic is usually a Druid or aq Cleric of the Drowning Gods
Favored Weapons:

Blunt weapons (hammers and clubs), Thin, curved swords, curved knives

  • Their curved weapon preference is adopted from Vlizha allies