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Revision as of 14:30, 9 August 2022 by KyleB (talk | contribs)
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Lineage Name(s):

Vlizha, Vhizta, Nomads, Blackfeet


Vlizha claim no homeland and are ethnically from thousands of miles away

Political Posture:

Open, liberal, traditional

Law/Anarchy Axis:

Lawful to Pragmatic

Altruism/Greed Axis:

Selfish to Neutral

First Impressions:

Charming, sly, untrustworthy


Vlizha are ruled by the women in their entourages with some magic ability- usually Diviners


Vlizha, Vlizha Handsign


Vlizha use any currency and base its worth on weight and material

Trait Advantages:

Agile, resilient, cunning

Trait Hindrances:

Vice-ridden, Ostracized

Average Height:

Vlizha aren't particularly tall- most are between 5'4" and 5'9"

Average Build:

From lean and ropey to very obese.

Unusual Traits:

Most Vlizha know either a few domestic skills, can navigate and repair boats, or have entertainer skills. Most can dance.

Spell-like Abilities:

Vlizha pay close attention to their dreamsand the portents therein. Once a "Dungeon Crawl" they can use their dreams to portent a potential future event.

Magic Capable?:


  • Divination is a treasured Arcane talent and a quick route to power.
  • Alchemy is also deeply prized, especially the Apothecaries and Brewers.
  • There are no arcane schools that the Vlizha completely avoid but they distrust Theurgy. They abandoned their Gods ages ago.
Favored Weapons:

Curved blades (knives and swords), light crossbows