Standard Equipment

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Standard Starfleet Equipment
Year Commissioned:



United Federation of Planets




At a Glance

Environmental Gear

Starfleet of the 2250s has several pieces of equipment to safeguard personnel in the event of combat or hostile environments.


Type I Environmental Suit


Type II Environmental Suit

Environmental Survival Suits

Starfleet deploys two versions of an EVA Suit to its personnel, both with specific functions in mind. Both suits have extensive temperature and pressure regulators within a form-fitting, airtight mesh uniform similar to the Heat Sleeve. Both forms of EVA suit are designed to allow its user to survive in space, but the Type II suit offers more protection for a long period of time.

Type I Environmental Suit

The EVA Mark I is a lighter, less cumbersome EVA suit for surface operations on planets or environments with non-breathable atmospheres or near-vacuum conditions. These suits also come with gravity boots that can be deployed on any walkable surface. The Mark I's visor can be lifted should the atmospheric conditions change to a Class M tolerance.

Type II Environmental Suit

The EVA Mark II is a more bulky EVA Suit with directional thrusters and backup life support systems meant for zero-gravity movement in space or otherwise outside the hull of the Ulysses. It has an onboard navigational computer, sensor suite, independent communications system, and multi-vector thruster system, as well as gravity boots, grip pads in the fingers, and magnetic clasps for tools. The EVA Mark II has a fixed environmental system that can recycle atmosphere for longer than the EVA Mark I. However, it is much more cumbersome, becoming unwieldy to maneuver in when subject to gravity.


Pressure Sleeve


Arctic Operations Suit

Pressure Sleeve

The Pressure Sleeve is the root component to several different pieces of environmental protective gear. In a toxic environment, it can seal against the skin to prevent dermal penetration of gas. In an aquatic environment, it can act much the same, sealing to prevent nitrogen narcosis and allow for a pressure depth of about 300 meters.

The Pressure Sleeve has some protection against extreme cold and extreme heat but that is not its primary purpose. It can prolong the survivability of a shielded body in a vacuum by about forty-five seconds, but this too is not it's main purpose.

Arctic Operations Gear (Cold Sleeve)

Starfleet Arctic Operations Gear is a self-contained unit that is sometimes paired with a portable generator on the back, as well as a fully enclosed mask and HUD system. This suit design, which is pushing into being almost thirty years old, will protect the wearer at temperatures below -90 degrees Celsius indefinitely without the heat generator, and with an active heat generator, the suit can endure -185 degrees Celsius for a period of about eighteen hours. The suit is used often on short forays in the cryo-deserts of Titan. Anything longer, it's recommended a wearer use a full environmental suit.

The Cold Sleeve is a variation on the pressure suit, with a heat-conducting and heat-retaining mesh material worked into the lining. The design is such that it retains the body temperature of the wearer as the mesh adapts itself to stay at those temperatures. The suit has a full HUD system that can access communications, a small navigational uplink, and can monitor life-signs of the wearer and any linked crew. It also monitors external temperature, external oxygen resources, and the remaining charge for any heat generator connected.

Thermal Sleeve

Similar to a Pressure Sleeve, this outfit is made of a metallic reflective finish (silver for science or medical; bronze for operations, gold for command) and is designed to withstand desert-like temperatures and extreme conditions. Also similar to the Arctic Operations Gear, it has a self-contained HUD system capable of the same monitoring features and comes with a cooling system on the back. What the system cannot cope with is extreme pressures or inundation in superheated liquids.

Protective Equipment


Atmospheric Condenser/Filter


Gas Mask

Atmospheric Condenser/Filter Mask

The Atmospheric Condenser and Filter can be found in storage panels in almost any room on the ship and are part of the standard emergency equipment. The condenser system can draw a breathable atmosphere from any planet with oxygen in its composition. It needs an atmospheric pressure and density of at least equivalent to 20,000 meters above Earth sea level to function.

As a filter, the mask is less capable than the fully environmentally sealed gas mask (below) but are standard issue for atmospheres that are still breathable but have higher amounts of toxicity. For a full-on environmental or engineering disaster, chemical or biochemical attack, and toxic atmospheres, the gas mask is preferable for exposure lasting anything longer than a few minutes.

Like the Gas Mask, the Condenser-Filter can be attached to an independent atmosphere supply that attaches at the front port.

Gas Mask

For environments with a toxic atmosphere (but otherwise tolerable pressure and temperature) Starfleet deploys a gas mask. The gas mask, which fully encloses the face and seals itself against the skin, can come with or without a rebreather if oxygen is totally absent in the atmosphere. The Gas Mask can also double as a HUD screen if a processor is plugged into its systems, allowing for navigational assistance, monitoring of atmosphere or radiation, and reporting the vital signs of the wearer as well as their team. The gas mask can only safeguard respiration- caustic or poisonous atmospheres must still be mitigated from skin contact with some kind of protective suit or body sleeve.

Tactical Vest

The Tactical Vest or Armor Vest is donned by all Security personnel during Red Alert, and by all personnel who go on an Away Mission where expectations of casualties or combat are statistically probable. All command and flag officers are expected to don one in the event that they will be leading an Away Team regardless of the statistical probabilities of conflict, as per General Order 15, subsection 3: "Command Officers will take all precautions to safeguard themselves in the event of unsecured field activity." It remains one of the most chronically ignored General Orders in Starfleet.

Sensors and Communication




Scanners and Tricorders


Starfleet personnel are all issued a hand-held communications device which is generally kept on their person at all times. The communicator acts as a homing beacon as well- sensors can pick up each communicator's tuned EM band and lock on to the life form. The communicator is the current method to lock on to a lifeform for matter-energy transport.

Communicators are capable of signal boosting (which depletes the charge) and can both scramble the message and open it up to broadband emergency distress signals. The typical communicator has a charge of about four days (eight on standby).

Scanners and Tricorders

Starfleet has handheld computers and scanners known as "Tricorders." These devices, which come in standard configurations as well as those tuned to specific uses (Engineering, Medical, individual science disciplines), are standard Away Team equipment. Using a small handheld sensor peripheral (house in the back of the tricorder), the user to scan and map an object or terrain. The tricorder can act independently or uplink to the ship's computers to perform an analysis of any data.





Heads Up Displays

Starfleet has a number of different Heads-Up Displays that are deployed across their starships and facilities. Some are homegrown by the engineers and scientists while most are fairly standard fare. At their heart, all a Head-Up Display (or HUD) is, is a screen in front of the line of sight that allows a user to wear or use the device but keep their hands free. A HUD must be used in conjunction with a small computer, tricorder, or an integrated system to process and display the data. Their uses are broad- detail work, research, daily life, entertainment, communications, scheduling, tool use, piloting.




Cybernetics and Augmented Peripherals


Full Conversion Procedure


Respirator Implants


Multi-spectral Visor


Multi-spectral Hearing


Ocular Replacement